bowtroll's Waterfowlin album on Photobucket

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene and the Buckwild Expo

Had a crazy time this weekend. The Buckwild guys did everything they could to keep the show going despite Irene's other plans for us all. We still had fun despite the weather and it was good to see some familiar faces as well as some new!!! Turnout was spotty as would be expected as people were scrambling to get things in order for the storm as well as cleaning up after. Charles County seemed to have a bead drawn on it for the bands of rain to focus on. I did not get much sleep after the power went out at the Best Western as my little one crawled in between Mommy and I. I personally love a good storm so I didn't mind listening with the windows open...Anyway thanks to all for coming out to the show and supporting us, and I want to give a big shout out to the crew for turning out in force to help with everything.