bowtroll's Waterfowlin album on Photobucket

Thursday, August 2, 2012

UltimateCamo Andy had a great fishing trip last week   Here is what he had to say...
Went out on the Espadon with ex Washington Caps defenseman Sylvain Cote out of Sunset marina, and Captain Karl Bieberich working as first mate and Sylvain's son Caden helping Karl out. We were on fish all day, we had 14 or 15 Whites come to baits, got 9 to the boat and landed this 173 lb yellowfin, and lost what we think was another giant yellow fin as they hit the baits at the same time, too bad one was a 20lb rig, fought it for 40 minutes before we lost it. Was a great day fishing. Sylvain really did a great job keeping the boat in position when we had fish hooked up, that dude can drive a boat, and Karl was phenomenal in helping get the fish hooked up and to the boat and worked his butt off all day working the baits/rigs. Karl worked on hooking one  marlin 4 times before he finally hooked it up, was awesome to watch. You want to get on fish and have the Captain and crew work 110% give them a call 410-703-9191

Monday, July 30, 2012



     Its been a while since my last entry... Life keeps getting in the way. We are heading to the Buckwild Hunting Show in Boonesboro, Md. this weekend with a skeleton crew. Life is in the way... Its not necessarily a bad thing. Charly is in Alaska doing what he does best....Guiding hunters to giant critters. Hinky is on Vacation with the Family... I gotta work my real job...and so on and so on.

     The same thing tends to happen to our hunting time, yet somehow we manage to find the time to give it 110%.  Things are always changing but there is one constant that has held a core group of us together to achieve the goal of capturing our season on video. A few have gone and some real promise has taken their place and we intend to not only roll with what life is throwing at us but to change pace and break from the norm and what has already been done.

      The biggest change was the decision to not do a DVD...Well, let me rephrase that. Not do a DVD yet. We have already been there and done that and could have easily done it again but why? I was convinced I had made the right decision when I heard that stores like Dicks Sporting goods were not even going to carry DVD's from the big boys like Drury and Primos. I had toyed with the idea of doing something different but had no real direction. I guess the answer is simple. DVD hunting vids are going the way of the dodo bird.

     I have often told people that I thought it would be way easier to do a tv series than a DVD anyway. I have tons of footage that gets tossed every year due to lack of time in the story or no place in the story. While I don't think I would ever do it, I have seen a pile of television shows that keep you hanging on for a half hour and don't even give you a doe kill.

     So, we decided to make individual episode type things that we are going to host on the website. Don't have the funds or the backing to get on television even though I feel our stuff crushes half the crap I watch.... Not trying to be cocky there but I know you have seen some real garbage. We had a promising lead during the summer that has not panned out yet.........yet. Just remember, anyone can have a TV show...Its all about the Benjamins Baby.

     Last season we took 4 P and Y class bucks on film as well as a few others. That is better than we had done in the past and we were utilizing less guys than previous years. 3 of those bucks were personal bests. The story lines are great and the footage is stellar. However, one thing kept surfacing and it made us want to do something different. The amount of fun we had together on hunts and trips where nothing got shot for video. It was the hunt and the time spent with friends that made it worth it and made us keep getting out there and trying.

     Our newest addition, Paul Coughlin is a die hard outdoorsman with a back for self filming. He has done great on his own but is a perfect fit with the rest of the guys. I spent a ton of time over Pauls shoulder after he filmed me killing my big 11 in November. We never sealed the deal on a buck for Paul at the end of the year (so guess who is up first this year) but we did have a lot of time to ponder the EVOLUTION of TeamOverkill. We made the decision to try and capture a little more than backyard deer this year and so far so good. Since then we have filmed everything from 10 Turkey kills, to Bowfishing for Rays and carp, to Crabbing, and Shroom and Shed hunting. Add these things all together and throw in a few backyard bow hunts and we have some very interesting and entertaining shows coming your way.

     Im not sure when the first episode will go live or a firm schedule yet but its coming....

     Bobby almost has almost finished working his Magic on the new and improved Website...

     The first step is going to be getting all my work built back up after my 2TB drive with all the past 2 years footage and pics crashed. Its in the process of being recovered by a new friend....

     Some times life gets in the way.... Its not always the end of the world....You just need to EVOLVE

Stay Tuned....