and you had 2 pick a place 2 live...........
would you take up residence in the backyard of a team overkill member???? wouldja???? dumbass 6 point...........

Hinkys new spot
Hinkys first try with a camera in a new spot yielded some decent results.....these guys are here often and that is a good thing.............
4 us......not them

The Trap Has Been Set!!!
Team Overkill has sceduled some Ninja lessons from the master himself...
We have 2 double sets about 50 yds. apart, and I can guarantee something bad will happen from all this....If you walk on four legs and are fuzzy, don't come anywhere near this place....
stay tuned.

I can attest to this setup as it was 2 years ago on opening weekend I took this buck with Jeff..........and Jeff scored his best ever in the same spot.....

Some Recent Pics
I have not been able to keep up as much as I would like as I have been are some pics I have been receiving........
The boys are getting pumped....Its almost here......
I know of an 8 that was probably going to get a free pass this year but due to a recent developement......he will probably be first on the list for a certain someone!!!

Look how fat Gonzo is.........

1 in and 1 pic