So it has been antlerless time in the Overkill woodz
I have been making my rounds trying to video as well as laying down a few slicks my self...
The other day Kevin and I went to "The Doctors" for the first hunt of the year...
He informed me there was no pull up rope and to bring one which I did....
After tugging his gear up it was my turn to climb up so I was throwing a my rope up to Kevin....
That has never cost me a gash and a black eye before....
I was throwing and I guess the motion caused my binos which are on my safety belt to bounce up and hit me in the eye.....I thought this was just a fluke and since the rope didnt make it up to Kevin....I threw it harder!!!!
And it hit me harder.....Seriously staggered me like I just took a knockout punch...My bino cups were glued into position by me and it broke the seal....
We killed a couple anyway.....hehe....once I stopped the bleeding
My second angle cam was dead so I used my iPhone...
It worked awesome...I held it on Kevin with my left hand and propped it up on a tree for my deer that Kevin filmed!!! ahhhhTechnology!!!