I cant seem to find any since the season started...Im sitting at a fairfield in parking lot pirating an internet connection to check MWC and update the blog....this has been an exciting season opening week!!! we have a first time deer for Chebs girlfriend Julie and 2 more deer biting the dust.....
Im trying to figure out how to juggle 2 spots with the potential for good bucks that just are not producing trailcam photos like last year....
Andy is struggling with Gonzo who has shown himself twice...offering a shot the it did not get taken......
The highlite of the week so far has to be the group hunt with Bobbie Velvet (website designer and MWC MBS friend)....we could not wait for this evening to arrive due to the buck potential and overall carnage we were gonna deliver to the neighborhood after Bob killed his buck......the plan worked about 95% and was awesome......
but as deer normally do.........the did not cooperate....
here is Bobs take on the events.....
My night with team over kill. Long read... but a fun one.
Just got home, I wanted to put it down, before my brain erases it from my brain.
Without a doubt, one of the single best hunting experiences of my life. It had all the elements I look for in a quality experience.
I modestly excepted an invitation from JLH and the Overkill boys to come down for some urban hunting.
I have done it this style of hunting before a few times with ‘mixed’ results.
So I meet the fellas at a strip mall, and the first thing they give me is an ice cold can of “drank” grape soda and a half eaten bag of cheettos. Do a search on “drank” soda and you will see why this just made me laugh.
We packed up, headed up the road and pulled in. Kevin and Hinkey headed off to another yard to watch that evening.
I was in the company of Bow Troll, Royal Slammer and the urban king of deer, JLH.
I knew the night would be interesting because as we dressed a fawn was watching us from a neighbors yard.
We walked a short distance, Bow Troll and I climbed up in one set, while JLH, and Royal slammer climbed up in the other. The plan was to have a couple cameras running at different angles, one getting the shooter “me” the other getting the arrow blowing through. Then after I got first shot, it was an all on arrow flinging deer removal. What at first sounds crazy and like a cluster F... it was well organized and strategically laid out. This plan could work.
One crazy observation, with all the deer action, Bowtroll, who was sitting behind me all night was calm and cool with all the deer.
Out pops this squirrell, and he seriously goes into this hyper kill mode. Seriously, these guys love to shoot those things. LOL.
Like clock work, two sets of does with a couple fawns came in, the does offered easy shots, but we were waiting for a bachelor group of bucks.
JLH pretty much explained the evening entire scenario of what the deer would do, when they would show up, what deer where there. IF this sounds easy, I can assure, I sat in that tree wondering just how the heck he had figured it out. It is so different then a big woods style of hunting, hunting on the eastern shore, just about any kind of deer hunting. These deer were reacting to every far off voice, a car slowing down, everything. There were no natural funnels draw, etc. Instead there were routes of travel with a combination of man made things, and sparce cover. I'm glad they told me where and what to do, because I hadn't a clue. JLH was right on the money. Amazingly on.
It started getting late, and after the hunt was over, they all admitted to getting a little nervous, but just then, I looked down the way and saw what looked like something decent with antlers, coming our way. Three other bucks joined in, they just materialized out of the ground. It was bizarre!
So after two hours of cutting up, laughing, general goofing off to such a degree I thought there was no way of ever seeing a single deer. My stomach hurts from holding in the outburst laugh. we actually heard Royal slammer burst out loud as we both received the same text picture. But then.....It turned into the most intense hour of cat and mouse on record. I kept getting texts from the boys back home awaiting updates. I had to put the phone down, and get serious. You could tell these guys worked hard to put me on a deer, and I didnt want to let any of them down.
These bucks would pause, eat, go away, come back, then you would see an antler, then where did they go?.... Racks would stick up through the high grass, the disappear.
Finally, with about ten minutes of camera light left, here they come. Nothing huge, but two I would have been happy to shoot. A big wide 6 pointer, and a very nice ten. shy of P and Y, but close. A real nice deer I would have done a back flip for. Both looked like 3.5 year olds. It didn't matter, one was going down. They are working their way up to our position and they stop at 50 yards to browse.
From our left, behind a huge bush, out steps a doe with a fawn. She is standing 18 yards from my stand, and she does not like something. The wind was good, she didn't see us I don't think, but after a few minutes, she just decided something was right, turned around and took her fawn away.
Well the bucks saw that, they went on high alert. I ranged one at dead on 40 yards. Perfect broadside, a very killable shot. But 40 yards is pretty dam far and the deer was wired. It could have ducked, I could have not had a perfect shot, the we have a foul hit deer running through the neighborhoods. Not good. I never drew once, watched them slowly turn and walk back down the hill.
We climbed down. It was then we got to review the footage that Royalslammer and JLH got of the big eight that was 25 yards from us, who was right behind that doe and fawn, we never saw him because of this huge bush.
3 shooters, just an inch or two away from getting it. I'm positive a few of those deer will hit the dirt this season.
We went back, ordered 30 beers and 40 pizzas and hinkey ate 97% of it. The rest of us shared one slice of pizza. LOL.
I tell ya what....If this wasn't a fun evening, then, I just don't want to have any fun! These guys are the real deal. Bad ass deer hunters who have a blast every single second of the hunt.
Thanks overkill! I hope to return the favor one day. “Slow that roll” boys!