He was right in between the double yellow line so we escorted him to safety in the direction he was traveling...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
See...We aren't heartless...
He was right in between the double yellow line so we escorted him to safety in the direction he was traveling...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Scouting Trash Removal
Found some bucks out galavanting around today while checking cams in the rain.
Saw a goofy old friend the other day.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Litterbugs get on my nerves.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Cherry tree setup.
We cleared some lanes and hung a new set. It looks pretty killer. Now if we can just get some critters to cooperate and walk into the trap.
I cleared a little trash as well as the debris from our trimming. Only takes a second.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Taking out the trash!!!
Trash at the Seneca Creek parking area this morning.
This is the trash by the parking lot found after mushroom hunting.....
In recent seasons I have become increasingly more involved in hunting in suburban areas. Homeowners are more likely to see trash left behind in their yards than say a busy Farmer would in the woods surrounding his fields.
I am going to make an effort to remove trash every time I go in the woods this season starting with the next time I head out scouting. I mean how hard is it to carry a small empty bag in with me in my backpack or pocket. In the suburban areas that I frequent it is shocking how much waste I see in the woods and parking area. It will not be that big of an ordeal for me to pick up a few items after a morning hunt as I walk to the truck. I know it does not sound like much but figuring that I will probably spend around 50 or 60 days in the woods this season it will add up. Just think...1 bottle a day will fill up a giant hefty bag by the end of the season. I am going to ask all my Overkill boys to join me in this effort. We always try to stay in good graces with our Landowners and have a great relationship as it is so this can only solidify our place on their land for the future.
Imagine running into a landowner and having them ask "what's in the bag"?
I can promise they will feel like they made the right decision in letting you hunt their property.
I challenge every one of my fellow sportsman to take the time to take out the trash on your next hunt. It's a small step but a step in the right direction to giving hunters a cleaner image.
Some stuff to think about...
- Perfect :)Thursday at 10:50pm ·
- Troy Knoll I need to scold you two. PETA does not care about your puppies or kittens. They kill more dogs and cats than you could possibly imagine every year. So I agree with not abandoning them but please do not support one of Americas most radical terrorist organizationsFriday at 10:20am ·
- Love it...I was checking on it because I love blogs and I am actually trying to get both of my oldest to write them...I think they are a great way to express yourself and love the fact that I can look back and share the last four years of mine with friends. If you crop that picture and get rid of that logo I will link yours to mine...hehe...I get some decent traffic..Friday at 1:13pm ·
HSUS is big, rich, and powerful. While most local animal shelters are under-funded and unsung, HSUS has accumulated $162 million in assets and built a recognizable brand by capitalizing on the confusion its very name provokes. This misdirection results in an irony of which most animal lovers are unaware: HSUS raises enough money to finance animal shelters in every single state, with money to spare, yet it doesn’t operate a single one anywhere.
keeping its multi-national agenda going.Instead, HSUS spends millions on programs that seek to economically cripple meat and dairy producers; eliminate the use of animals in biomedical research labs; phase out pet breeding, zoos, and circus animal acts; and demonize hunters as crazed lunatics. HSUS spends more than $5 million each year on travel expenses alone, just
HSUS president Wayne Pacelle described some of his goals in 2004 for The Washington Post: “We will see the end of wild animals in circus acts … [and we’re] phasing out animals used in research. Hunting? I think you will see a steady decline in numbers.” But Pacelle may have more ambitious anti-hunting goals. In 1991, while he was the National Director of the Fund for Animals, Pacelle told the Associated Press: “[I]f we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would. Just like we would shut down all dog fighting, all cock fighting or all bull fighting.”
These folks have been linked to numerous terror organizations, fire bombings, and other acts of violence. All in the name of saving animals?
peta on the other hand while maybe not as radical, is forever seeking out celebs that are in the public eye to spread their propaganda... These celebs and other supporters may have no clue as most people dont, what the organization is up to. You have to admit that its a pretty good way to get their ridiculously skewed message out to the masses as celeb gossip is probably more looked at by young and or impressionable people in the US than the daily news. Hiding behind the cutesy little furballs they put on adds and naked celebs telling you not to wear fur when truth be told....they would rather see a human die than get the medicine they need because it was tested on a rat. Give me a break....Puppies and Kittens....peta is responsible for killing more puppies and kittens every year than you could possibly imagine.
Here are a few of my favorite (Scary) quotes from these whack Jobs....Stew on these for a while.....
Peta Quotes |
Quotes that peta members have made. |
Ingrid Newkirk President Eating meat is primitive, barbaric, and arrogant. - Washington City Paper (December 20, 1985) There’s no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They’re all animals. - Washingtonian magazine (August 1, 1986) I openly hope that it [hoof-and-mouth disease] comes here. It will bring economic harm only for those who profit from giving people heart attacks and giving animals a concentration camp-like existence. It would be good for animals, good for human health and good for the environment. - ABC News interview (April 2, 2001) Six million people died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses. [emphasis added] - The Washington Post (November 13, 1983) Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it. - Vogue (September 1, 1989) |
Alex Pacheco
Co-Founder We feel that animals have the same rights as a retarded human child because they are equal mentally in terms of dependence on others. - The New York Times (January 14, 1989) |
If ten people in America died of mad cow disease, in the long run it would save probably millions of lives. Because people would stop eating meat. That’s not a catty thing to say, to say -- in the long run this is what I hope.
- Upon accepting the “Celebrity Animal Advocate of the Year award” at the “Animal Rights 2003” convention
Vegan Campaign Coordinator
If you can take Ronald McDonald and turn him into a psychotic, bloody butcher … that’s going to adversely affect McDonald’s’ stock price.
- “Animal Rights 2002” convention (July 2, 2002)
If we really believe that these animals do have the same right to be free from pain and suffering at our hands, then, of course we’re going to be, as a movement, blowing stuff up and smashing windows. For the record, I don’t do this stuff, but I do advocate it. I think it’s a great way to bring about animal liberation … I think it would be a great thing if all of these fast-food outlets, and these slaughterhouses, and these laboratories, and the banks that fund them exploded tomorrow. I think it’s perfectly appropriate for people to take bricks and toss them through the windows, and everything else along the line. Hallelujah to the people who are willing to do it. July 2, 2001
Substantial grantee
Crimes of compassion that every animal advocate should support.
- Coronado’s description of two 1991 arsons at Oregon State University and the Northwest Farm Food Cooperative in Edmonds, Washington, as described in his 1995 Federal Sentencing Memorandum
Throughout the late ‘80s, me and a handful of friends just like you people here, we started to break windows, we started to slash tires, we started to rescue animals from factory farms and vivisection breeders, and we graduated to breaking into laboratories … As long as we emptied the labs of animals, they were still easily replaced. So that's when the ALF in this country, and my cell, started engaging in arson.
- SHAC rally, Edison, New Jersey (November 30, 2002)
- SHAC rally, Edison, New Jersey (November 30, 2002)
As a direct-action warrior, it made a lot of sense to me to attack institutions in the fur trade … We need to destroy them by any means necessary.
- "Conference on Organized Resistance," American University (January 26, 2003)