Here is Pauls story about crushing yet another Turkey!!!
Everything comes together
Morning started wondering where I was going to go since I had 3 hours to spare before my first client. I decided to hunt a farm that I only hunted twice both being after 10. This farm has always been good to me and from scouting early in the season I knew there were several toms running around on it.
Since I didn't know exactly where the birds were on the farm I slept in for an extra 20 minutes knowing I would have to listen for them then make a sneak on them. Ended up hearing one gobble about 1000 yards away at around 540 and waited for a second gobble to pin point him. He was right on a 20 acre sycamore patch of woods that was between two cow pastures. I had in hand my gun camera and two avian decoys and headed to the tom.
I cut the distance I realized that he was on the ground already and I was pretty much out in the open. I decided two leave the decoys and camera behind knowing they would get me busted. I crawled about 100 yards knowing that he was in the open and could bust me very easily if I walked in. I ended up getting to about a hundred yards two where I heard the tom last gobbled and heard a hen yelping to my right about 70+ yards Of course I'm thinking its another hunter until I peaked over a little rock break and saw the real thing. She was walking to my right and as I was watching her I noticed two white heads 15 yards right behind her. As I was looking at them through the binos I heard several Jake's going off to the left of the hen in the sycamore patch and right after that I heard the Tom. There ended up to be two hens that were zig zagging in the field feeding on bugs and where getting closer to me. The two toms ended up to be Jake's and then three other Jake's appeared behind them. Then I saw the Tom to the left of the hen peaking his white head over the hill.
It turned out to be in a good spot and decided to settle in. I pulled out a mouth call that sounded similair to the hen I heard in the morning and thought if I did some light purrs and clucks the Jake would get curious and check me out. Turned out they all were curious and were heading my way.
At this time I have two hens at about fifty yards 5 Jake's to the right of the hens at about 60 yards from me and a strutter with 3 other birds that were puffed up behind the tom at about 80 yards all headed my way. The hens started to walk away so I did a couple light yelps and purred and clucked a couple times and the Jake's started to head my way.
Got as comfortable as I could and waited them out. The tom started showing off and started to do the hump dance at about 60 yards in front of me. While I was watching the tom I already had a Jake with a 5"ish beard sneak in at about 15 yards with 3 more right behind him that had about a 5" beards on them. I turned on the go pro and got ready and here they come. The strutter was heading my way and hit the 30 yards mark and I put the bead on him and the next thing you know it there were 6 Jake's trying to kick this toms tail with I think 3 watching. They all are at about 20 yards from me and I cannot get a shot. This tom is standing his ground and is fighting all 6 at the same time. I'm still trying to get a shot and I can't because there are way to many heads in the way. As I was watching this fight I noticed all the birds had full fans and they pretty much had a high pitch full gobble. At about 2.5 minutes into it my dang go pro dies....looks like I forgot to charge it. While the birds were going at it I actually turn to my right without them noticing. This fight went on for about 5 more minutes and they ended behind a rock break that was 10 yards in front of me.
They started heading back to my left and the tom did a no no, he hopped on a rock that was about 25 yards from me and I let him have it. The tom does a flip backwards and the super Jake's started to kick his tail until they saw me at about 15 yards and scattered. Running up to the tom I was thing he was going to be a brute until I saw his spurs. He was only a 2 year old with about 3/4 " spurs and a 10" beard. When I picked him up he was light as a feather and would guess he weighed around 12 pounds.
I bet these Jake's ran this bird to the ground everyday and he was definitely feeling it. For what it was worth he stood his ground pretty well and gave me a heck of a show. Definitely was a awesome way to tag out.