bowtroll's Waterfowlin album on Photobucket

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Gotta say it was the best opener I have ever been a part of... What a fun time and a great group of gracious hosts... This place was unreal!!! Patriot LWM Outdoors had a big part in the sunflowers and other goodies we were hunting over... I got the invite and was happy to help keep the bird numbers in check!!! There were a pile of people limiting out and heading back to the cabin to eat...But you didnt have too go back because food came to us....I felt like I was on a fully guided hunt in Argentina...... Wave after wave after wave of doves came to eat and we let em have it... We could have limited a lot sooner than we did if we hadnt been messing around trying to get footage.....Joe got some much needed testing on his GunCaseBlanket as well... I appreciate it guys...That was an absolute riot!!! Wish I could have stayed and tried the doves that were being prepped as I was leaving....

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another BOOST to the team!!!

We are excited to add a longtime UltimateCamo supporter and BIIIIIG Buck Slayer to the team!!! Felipe Ordono has been knocking down Giant Deer for quite some time... He has recently started filming along side of Andy and Troy this past season and caught the bug.....If one of us could have made it out there when he needed us last year we would be watching his BOONE and CROCKET whitetail with a bow!!! Welcome Felipe!!!