We had some cool history with this deer..."The Freak" spent his days in a spot we call Wimbledon...(the stand is located between 3 tennis courts) Last season we were positive the deer was at least 4 years old and he was shot at by someone who shall remain nameless but rhymes with Jeff......After that miss we saw the buck repeatedly and tried to arrow him a few times....One day Jeff and I were in the stand and said we would not shoot him as we had each taken a buck and did not want to burn a tag on him.....He gave us a fantastic show and we could have smoked him a dozen times....The next time we hunted there we said he was on the list as it was gun season and we could use a tag on him.....stayed out of range the whole morning....We knew he would be a cool looking freak again and the added bonus of another big buck gave Jeff and I a reason to be in there this morning.....He came in like he owned the place like he always did and stayed in the woods behind the house....we saw quite a few bucks cross paths with him and he was his normal grumpy aggresive self fending off all the younger bucks that were feeding near him....The oldest other buck in the group was a 100 inch 7 point....he would get the closest to the freak and irritated him the most...he actually scraped and ran a few does around as the big boy fed....Finally the freak started our way and came right under us at about ten yards where I skewered his heart...The rage was devastating...I have rarely seen that much trauma with a slug wound! In behind the shoulder, through the ticker, and in to the opposite leg makes quite a noise at 10 yds. Long bloody trail and a heavy drag!!!! Jeff, I cant thank you enough....You are obviously holding the Overkill horseshoe having been behind the camera for all this years bucks so far and we all owe you in the rut!!! Andy....I have a complaint........Its really hard to see me in my pictures with your camo on?!? hehehe...