and then Phil backs it up with a sweet one of his own!!

Jay was not to be outdone taking his first Gobbler by Bow in Canada...Here is his story...
My first ever gobbler. Zipped him this morning with my Elite Z28. Dropped him on the spot. Was able to get some video of him coming in but never got the shot as I was self filming. Actually missed on my first shot at 25ish. Trying to squeeze an uphill shot through my double bull blind window didn't work out. The bird hopped out of the way and started to head away down the fence line. Put my 40 yard pin on the butt of his wing and my G5 lighted nock was like a lazer beam that dropped the bird.
21.14 pounds
10-3/4 beard
1-1/8 spurs
I would like to send a shout out to JLH. Dude hooked me up with the sweetest shooting bow ever.
I am hooked!

And then the Pa. season opens....My wheelhouse...
Finaly killed a bird in Pa. at my Folks place...
Here is my story..
First bird I ever shot at my Folks house in Pa.
All kinds of stuff went wrong so I kinda knew it was gonna happen
runnin late
had to deuce as the birds were gobblin
sprinted to blind...luckily already errected near my "dirt plot"
(I had tilled the ground for grubs and my folks have been seeing plenty of birds in the bare ground diggin....especially after rain)
so I get all settled in with a bird gobblin his fool head off underneath my position...perfect...set up the bow...the camera on the tripod...get out an arrow............................wtf!!! where is my release?!?!
sprint back to truck (255 yards)
swap bow for gun
sprint back to blind (255 yards)
get in blind with gun because I am wearing black and grey top for bowhunting in blind
Very vocal bird steady walking away
reach for call conditioner to fix call.....Oh!!! theres my release(dumbass)
New bird responds and its game on...He is hitting me from 100 yards behind the house....at least 350 yards...then 300...then 250...then 200...then in the bottom by the pond...now under me..........now he makes one last gobble...like 80ish???
I know hes here....
spit vroooom
spit vroooooom
I cant find him....I cant see past the ....oh shnap hes at 25 yards in the dirt...full strut....
I barely gave him 30 seconds of air time before I flipped my first bird at Our Farm!!!
didnt weigh him...Id guess 19ish inch spurs 9 3/4 beard
Not a giant...still pumped

And here is the pic of the release I couldnt find.....