Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Hinky had to bail so I went scouting instead...
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Its doe time...
It has been a loooong season...We still have a few guys with unfilled buck tags...but its time to start blazin some females. Paul and I were out the other morning and got the ball rolling...
Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Andys big 8
Here is a pic of Felipe's giant and then Andy's version of the events.

Monday, November 14, 2011

So Tyler and I went down Friday night and stayed at the Days Inn in Cambridge. We met Mark Saturday morning at the Royal farms store and began a friendship with a quick introduction and hand shake. We then followed Mark to his property where we met up with a few other MWC'ers who would also be hunting that morning with bows. We met Chip (aka Marshrabbit20), Kirk (aka Marshnut), and Sam (she is the daughter of the Huntress). Man what a great group of people and they were all very accommodating and excited for Tyler to get his first dose of Sika seduction. We all said good luck and Mark took us to the stand which was a tri-pod stand over looking the marsh. It was beautiful seeing the sun come up and the marsh come to life, oh yeah and all the duck hunters around us opening up their season with a bang. We were settled in and I will admit I had to climb down out of the stand and take of some business Royal Farms had left me. Once done I walked back over to the stand and Tyler whispered down not to move that he saw a stag. Tyler had the gun up looking through the scope and I thought I was going to miss it all. After a minute or two he said to come on up. I climbed up and asked what happened. He said it was a taller spike stag that popped up at about 50 yds walking away and he goes "Dad it just disappeared, I never had a shot". I chuckled and said that's why they call them "Marsh Ghosts". We sat there for another hour or so watching the scenery hoping for another sighting. We were sitting there talking when all of the sudden a brown shadow came bolting through the reed grass at about Mach 5. I told Tyler to get his gun up. This thing broke out into the marsh in the opening at full speed and I eventually just yelled at it to stop. Of course it stops right behind a bush. It stands there a few seconds and takes off again. I yell again and it stops again this time in an opening. Tyler was able to get the gun on him and that TC Venture 7mm08 barked. The stag stumbled and turned back to the reed grass running off with blood pouring out of the wound. Tyler had the biggest smile on his face and we were hi-fiving. I made the call to Mark that Tyler had gotten one and the calvary came. Mark had even called Oakcreek and his son Alex and they came to recover the stag also. Well the blood trail was quite impressive through that marsh. We found it with ease. Everyone was so pumped. I think that is the coolest thing about the kids being successful is everyone involved feels even better than if they had actually shot it themselves. We took a lot of pics and got the stag out of there.
Knowing Tyler could only shoot one Sika we were contemplating leaving for home. But, all that home talk subsided when Mark offered up his stand to me for the evening with my bow. I was all over that. Mark actually sat with Tyler for the evening hunt hoping for a whitetail encounter, which they actully had but couldn't get a shot. My evening in Mark's stand was awesome. I saw 2 small spike stags and a hind. They were at 10 yards for probably 30 minutes and I passed hoping for a nicer stag. They eventually walked off and that was it. Needless to say I am hooked. Mark said the invitation is open for January and man am I anxious to get back down there with that group of dedicated Sika hunters.
All in all a fantastic day. Thanks Mark for the invite and making us feel at home. You have a great group of people there. Tyler was tickled with his first Sika and you made his day a success. Tyler insisted on having it mounted so I dropped it off at Tim Young's last night. He wanted to have it mounted because now he will have his 1st whitetail, turkey, and sika mounted. I guess the best news of the whole story is Tyler has had several follow ups from his illness and is back to good health with no limitations. Thanks again guys.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Kevins Giant Freak Buck
(He is in the intro where I was talking about suburban sprawl and the giants that come from the parks to the neighborhood yards) He was a clean 9 and we wanted to see Kevin put a tag on this guy bad. We had good trailcam photos as well, but as is the rule between all the boys...we really dont show the good ones until the deal is done...Its kinda like some bad JUJU or something...
We were dying to see what the deal was with this guy as the cameras went out this season. I got a ridiculously excited voicemail from Kevin one day and we had our answer....The ole boy had become a freak...We had noticed a wound on the deer in the last days of the season that looked to be from an arrow or bullet just above the sweet spot in the back...Could this be what caused the massive abnormality??? The rear facing trailcam photo told the tale. The crazy rack that now sported 4 beams still carried the same basic frame that he had the previous year.
The deer vanished as quickly as he had the previous season but we felt like we at least were on the right track because the location was the same. A quick look on the aerial told us where he was likely spending his evenings. A large beanfield to the south was the largest draw in the area. The sighting we had via trailcam were in the same small meadow where numerous bucks were frequenting a WYLD Mineral site. The differance for this season is that Roger and Kevin had moved the stand to just inside the wood line where the Buck had made his entrance last year. It was to only be hunted on a strong south wind.
When Kevin called and told me there was a south wind...I really didnt think to much of it as we had not seen this guy since the end of August. Our friend Paul, whom we had just asked to join us in our endeavors, was available to run the camera for Kevin this evening.
Paul was in the MWC @ Full Draw competition last season and Captured our Friend Rob Cardosi shooting a Monster Buck that scored just shy of the Boone and Crocket minimum. Paul was also just featured on Solo Hunter on the Sportsman Channel shooting a big freak of his own so I felt good knowing that if the giant happened to head into the meadow to feed, he would have no problem capturing footage of Kevin putting his signature heart shot on this deer.
I lost all track of time during the evening as I was busy signing papers on my new SUV and trying to make it to work on time. I had just turned the key on my brand new Rav 4 when the phone rang. I was sitting still in the dealership garage when Paul whispered...."I must be good luck behind the camera....the big freak is down" I about lost my mind!!! I wanted so badly to go see this thing...The evening was filled with stories and cell phone pics flying around like wild. Paul was convinced it was 170. I was not sure from the pics but I knew it was not to be topped in the unique category. Regardless, the big boy was in Kevins truck and is now the Overkill Poster Buck for 2011 Season 4.
The next morning I headed straight to Kevins house with my camera. As soon as I looked at this deer I knew he was as special as we had thought. The size of beams would be impressive as a normal 2 beamed buck but add in two more and you have a 4 beamed super freak with points to match!!! 15 scoreable points in all for a grand total of 166 6/8 gross inches. Unofficially this guy nets out at 157 non typical inches. Knowing what I know about Kevin....He will probably shoot a higher scoring deer one day....but this deer will always be tops in the crazy category!!!
And about that signature heart shot....After grabbing some 20 plus minutes of Big Buck rutting behavior, Paul followed the buck as he headed into the danger zone....20 yards in front left of Kevin!!! Kevin is perhaps the most meticulous stand setup guys I have ever seen. I always refer to kevins perch as his throne...He learned the art from Jeff and has taken it to extremes with his latest sets...I dont believe I have ever seen him have to move to shoot a deer....They walk right down and give it to him off of his left front every time!!! I was not surprised when Paul sent the picture of the beasts heart with a Slick Trick X in the dead center of it!!! I have honestly never seen anyone do this on such a regular basis...
Congrats Kevin on an Awesome and incredibly Unique Trophy. It looks like you may have the best buck on the DVD 2 years running....You hunted this guy smart and you deserve it!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
So it has been antlerless time in the Overkill woodz
I have been making my rounds trying to video as well as laying down a few slicks my self...
The other day Kevin and I went to "The Doctors" for the first hunt of the year...
He informed me there was no pull up rope and to bring one which I did....
After tugging his gear up it was my turn to climb up so I was throwing a my rope up to Kevin....
That has never cost me a gash and a black eye before....
I was throwing and I guess the motion caused my binos which are on my safety belt to bounce up and hit me in the eye.....I thought this was just a fluke and since the rope didnt make it up to Kevin....I threw it harder!!!!
And it hit me harder.....Seriously staggered me like I just took a knockout punch...My bino cups were glued into position by me and it broke the seal....
We killed a couple anyway.....hehe....once I stopped the bleeding
My second angle cam was dead so I used my iPhone...
It worked awesome...I held it on Kevin with my left hand and propped it up on a tree for my deer that Kevin filmed!!! ahhhhTechnology!!!