Put one of my coverts on the apple tree in the backyard facing my food plot. First night this fella shows up. Not huge but count'em with me 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11...11 points folks. Looks a lot better goin away than head on. He's still balled up at his tips should have some growin left. Nice brow length. He'll likely go on my hit list. These cameras are amazing. Set the other one up this morning at ****** over my mineral hole just east of where Phil shot the browtine buck. Lots of tracks back there. I'll give it a week or so before I check it. With the luck I ve been havin with these cams maybe I should check it tomorrow. I'll try settin the one in the back yard up for video tonight. Apparently I have the date set wrong.

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