Its been a frustrating couple of weeks for Jeff...Limited Time to hunt...and it seemed that every chance he got.....an odd occurrence would sway the outcome of his hunts.....From leaf blowers to lawnmowers....soccer playing teens to dog walkers....cows and shed builders....bad weather....you name it.............But this morning that all changed.........
I knew this buck was in trouble when Jeff called the other day and said he saw a solid Buck near his stand at 'Wimbledon"
The deer was up to the same business that got my freak deer in trouble........cruising the gauntlet for honeys near the tennis courts.....
He figured this morning would be our best bet as the bucks seem to check this backyard every morning on the way back from their night time haunts......
This morning was no different...We saw a ton of smaller bucks cruising and chasing...3 times Jeff smashed the Ginourmous rattling antlers and 3 times bucks came running....The last time brought the two biggest of the morning with this guy being the aggressor...He paid the price for Jeff's Frustration and piled up within 45 yards......
Congrats Jeff!!! I was so pumped to film you shooting another one...

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