Been checking the cams....I am again crazy impressed with my new Covert Cams...These little guys have been pluggin along for well over a month now and the battery life is right on 2 bars and has not moved!!! They continue to take fantastic pictures...I just wish my bucks would show up....I know what should be around but they have not shown in the typical spots...Most of the boys have a good one lined up and thats awesome with me!!! I will man the cameras!!!
In any case...I have had these cams in a variety of locations and the deer have been hammering the spots that I have been using WYLD Minerals!!! I have had the most success with the Orchard Blend and Sweet Addiction.
Here are some pictures of the bachelor group I have hanging out at one mineral hole!!!

This first one is just a good shot of some youngsters...The cam is taking very clear pictures.
The next three show some bucks with their face deep in a hole filled with WYLD Mineral...
I am semi tempted with this guy....Pretty nice for a 3 yr. old...
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